
Our creator is male and female simultaneously whose attributes are in constant fluctuation, though always summate to an equilibrium.

Life is an eternal experiment within the creator’s timeless embodiment, where all forms are partially robotic.

Your existence is a living part of the creator in which any action that you perform is accountable. Attempts should be made to virtualise non-constructive thought.

Thinking consists of parallel processes belonging to either the sensation of pain or pleasure. Each instance can be started, added, subtracted, multiplied, divided or terminated. Your conscience is the infinite resonation of these.

An individual’s objective is to better the creed with only their deeds. Increase good action to improve positive conscience, reduce bad action to subtract negative conscience.

All events throughout your life will be a statement recorded by the creator. Judgement occurs immediately after physical expiration:

In reward for good deeds your spirit is upheld proportionally within positive conscience, commonly known as heaven.

In punishment for bad deeds your soul is correspondingly down-kept within negative conscience, understood as hell.

Heaven and hell are relative to your own psychological desires and fears.

Substantiate your actions to prepare for the hereafter.